"The human mind plans the way, but the
Lord directs the steps."
Proverbs 16:9
In The Beginning
It took God six days to create the earth and everything on it, including man and woman
Of all that God created, He created man and woman in His image, so they would co-create with him and take domain over everything
God Doesn’t Need Us,
God has everything he needs
In our creation God has given us the opportunity to be Godly, in his image
God’s desire is for us to turn our hearts to him. This is our true vocation
Understand How God Designed Us
Jeremiah 1:5 tells us God knew us before we were born and had a plan for us
God graced each of us with our own talents, strengths, and gifts
We are each created unique and unrepeatable, wonderfully made
Personal Vocation Is Found In Our Creation
Every person is called to a vocation of Universal Holiness (Be a Saint)
A State of Life Vocation is how we give ourselves to the full body of Christ and serve others- Religious life, matrimony, or devout single life
Profession/Career, often referred to as a calling, is the work you do in your vocation
The Catholic Church, Vocation, and the Meaning of Work
"Work is to be creative, supported, and rewarded."- Andreas Widmer
Man and woman fulfill their likeness in God through creative actions- Blessed Pope John Paul II
The fruit of good work is a just wage. A just wage provides a dignified livleyhood in material, social, cultural, and spiritual level- The Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2434
"For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: Anyone unwilling to work should not eat."-
2 Thessolonians 3:10

My Story
My story.... hmmmmmm. To sum it up in a word I would say 'resilience.'
My parents divorced when I was 15
Neither of my parents drove, so we never had a car. I got my first car when I was 20, a 1967 Camaro. Yup.
It was assumed I would follow in my alcoholic father's footsteps and never come close to college. I graduated from college and took a position as a pharmaceutical sales rep. Yup.
Married, divorced, annulled. Floundered for a bit, but I never left the Catholic church
Remarried, adopted two kids, we added two more kids and lived the good life in the suburbs of Northeast PA
Kids moved on with their own lives and we moved South. Culture shock- moved to the South only to live in an area that feels like North Jersey. No offense to New Jersey, but it wasn't what I was looking for.
Surgeries- too many to count. Heart, thyroid, joints, gall bladder, hernia, more joints. Lots of hardware.
God- always with me and I with Him. Throughout my journey He has watched over me, guided me, allowed me to fail, and shared my successes. He wants me to do this work as a coach. He has blest me, indeed, and expanded my territory. He has held me in His arms and protected me from evil. 1 Chron 4:10
I am an active member of a newly formed Catholic church in Myrtle Beach- Pier Georgio Frassati Catholic Church
I have nothing to complain about.