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"The human mind plans the way, but the
Lord directs the steps."
Proverbs 16:9

In The Beginning

  • It took God six days to create the earth and everything on it, including man and woman

  • Of all that God created, He created man and woman in His image, so they would  co-create with him and take domain over everything

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God Doesn’t Need Us,

  • God has everything he needs

  • In our creation God has given us the opportunity to be Godly, in his image

  • God’s desire is for us to turn our hearts to him. This is our true vocation

Understand How God Designed Us

  • Jeremiah 1:5 tells us God knew us before we were born and had a plan for us

  • God graced each of us with our own talents, strengths, and gifts

  • We are each created unique and unrepeatable, wonderfully made

Personal Vocation Is Found In Our Creation

  • Every person is called to a vocation of Universal Holiness (Be a Saint)

  • A State of Life Vocation is how we give ourselves to the full body of Christ and serve others- Religious life, matrimony, or devout single life 

  • Profession/Career, often referred to as a calling, is the work you do in your vocation

The Catholic Church, Vocation, and the Meaning of Work

  • "Work is to be creative, supported, and rewarded."- Andreas Widmer

  • Man and woman fulfill their likeness in God through creative actions- Blessed Pope John Paul II

  • The fruit of good work is a just wage. A just wage provides a dignified livleyhood in material, social, cultural, and spiritual level- The Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2434

  • "For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: Anyone unwilling to work should not eat."-

  • 2 Thessolonians 3:10

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My Story

My story.... hmmmmmm. To sum it up in a word I would say 'resilience.'

  • My parents divorced when I was 15

  • Neither of my parents drove, so we never had a car. I got my first car when I was 20, a 1967 Camaro.  Yup.

  • It was assumed I would follow in my alcoholic father's footsteps and never come close to college. I graduated from college and took a position as a pharmaceutical sales rep. Yup.

  • Married, divorced, annulled. Floundered for a bit, but I never left the Catholic church

  • Remarried, adopted two kids, we added two more kids and lived the good life in the suburbs of Northeast PA

  • Kids moved on with their own lives and we moved South. Culture shock- moved to the South only to live in an area that feels like North Jersey. No offense to New Jersey, but it wasn't what I was looking for.

  • Surgeries- too many to count. Heart, thyroid, joints, gall bladder, hernia, more joints. Lots of hardware.

  • God- always with me and I with Him. Throughout my journey He has watched over me, guided me, allowed me to fail, and shared my successes. He wants me to do this work as a coach. He has blest me, indeed, and expanded my territory. He has held me in His arms and protected me from evil.     1 Chron 4:10​

  • I am an active member of a newly formed Catholic church in Myrtle Beach- Pier Georgio Frassati Catholic Church

I have nothing to complain about.

Success Stories

“It’s been on my heart for a long time to make some revisions to our current Confirmation preparation process by utilizing the Strengths Explorer assessment, but I knew I needed some additional insights and guidance. Michael’s experience with the Strengths, as well as his background in working with Confirmation youth, was exactly what I needed to consolidate my ideas and find pre-made resources to share with my catechists. I felt heard, supported, and guided by Michael—exactly as I hoped to be! He is an excellent resource!”

Kerry A., Director of Religious Education & Adult Faith Formation
St. Thomas the Apostle Church

I want to hear your thoughts! Grab your coffee and meet me on zoom. Conversations are free.

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©2025 by Michael Baker Coaching.   570-574-8439

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