"... our true vocation is to turn our hearts to God, live as true image bearers, and do all things in him and for him. From this we discover that it's not about the work, it's how we do the work- creatively, with our strengths and gifts, in community, with wisdom and maturity, as God intended."
Coach Bake
The Concepts
1. We are made in God's image to be creative and answer the universal call to holiness. God wants our hearts, through relationship, not sacrifice.
2. We are created unique and unrepeatable. God gave us our own strengths and gifts that we are to discover, share, and grow, building the Body Of Christ.
3. When we know how God created us it is easier to show our best selves to others and live with wisdom and maturity. We learn to "get along" and find ways to productively engage in relationships.
4. We apply these concepts in all levels of our vocation, creatively living and working in God's image. When all the concepts are intertwined we realize that our true vocation is to turn our hearts to God, live as true image bearers, and do all things in him and for him. From this we discover that it's not about the work, it's how we do the work- creatively, with our strengths and gifts, in community, with wisdom and maturity, as God intended.
Appy The Concepts
Students, whether high school or college, are either trying to figure out their future, running on autopilot, or overly driven to succeed. They lack insight to the connection between their relationship with God, the Catholic church, and their future. I help them craft a vision based on how and why they were created by God and the beauty of Catholicism. Then, with this knowing, their vocation is discernible and attainable.
Adults deep into their careers are overwhelmed with work, family, and social demands. They rarely practice self care and find it difficult make the connection between the strengths God has given them and the power of emotional regulation. I provide the foundation for personal and Godly growth with strengths awareness and emotional intelligence competencies.
When older adults hit retirement age their emotions can be varied, extreme, and confusing. Seniors will experience transitions in their lives that can be just as impactful as a much younger person would experience. While careers and family life lasted for decades they now face the reverse of what they've known for so long. No longer employed with responsibility, possibly the loss of a spouse, and a lifestyle turned upside down. When Self Awareness, Sense of Belonging, and Connection with God are deeply examined a new life's purpose is discovered and exciting opportunities arise.
Personal Vocation Course For Students
In this engaging interactive course high school or college students will examine their relationship with God, discover their unique strengths and gifts, and learn how to use their emotions for healthy productive relationships in their personal and future work lives. The course is blended with online content and exercises for a fully immersive experience.
Tools used: Personal Fulfillment Stories, CliftonStrengths Full 34 Report and the 6 Seconds Emotional Intelligence Competency Model.
Outcomes: Students will use these new discoveries to assist discernment of their personal vocation in life.
** Certified, Child Safety, Diocese of Charleston, SC
Workshops- In Person or Online
The workshops I deliver are tailored to your needs. They are interactive, engaging, and transformational. Lightbulb moments can happen at any time. Group engagement the experience is highly individual and specific to each unique individual.
Topics: Strengths, Emotional Intelligence, or Spiritual Emotional Intelligence. Topics can be individual or combined for half day, full day, or separate half days format.
Assessments and Tools: Personal Fulfillment Stories, CliftonStrengths Full 34 Report, SixSeconds Emotional Intelligence Report, and/or Spiritual Emotional Intelligence Report.
Outcomes: Attendees will discover what they are good at and consider how to do more of that. They will also learn the eight Emotional Intelligence Competencies and how to use them to improve their self awareness, response to the world, and concern for others.
1:1 Coaching
Occasionally, a workshop is too much or the timing isn't right, but there may be one or two individuals who can grow from a personal coaching experience. It is best to know one's strengths to gain confidence, improve relationship, and live a more fulfilling life. Or, an individual may find tremendous benefit in learning how to manage and regulate their emotions. Regardless of the area of coaching the key is to allow the Holy Spirit into the conversation for growth and personal transformation.
Online Self Directed Personal Vocation Course
This course will be available in the first quarter of 2025. It will run exactly as the Personal Vocation course described above except it will be fully self directed by the student with parental guidance if needed. Complete the short form below and get notified when this course is available.