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Catholic Entrepreneurship & Vocation Workshop for High School Students

So many choices, so many options, too much outside influence!

How does a young person approaching adulthood make decisions on their future, and how can they acknowledge their Godly design and Catholic faith?

  •  What is vocation? Is it just for a religious calling?

  • What is work? What does God think of work? Is it good or bad?

  • Does entrepreneurship naturally lead to greed?

  • Do I need to find my purpose to determine my vocation?

  • Does passion lead to vocation?

About This Workshop

Based on the course Catholic Entrepreneurship Design Experience at The Catholic University of America  (ENT 118), this workshop is designed to help students understand that they are uniquely designed by God for his purpose, and that it is possible to find vocation and honor Catholic Social Teachings.

The concept of entrepreneurship is badly misaligned, and it's not all about starting a business. Entrepreneurship is about applying correct principles to whatever vocation one chooses and being creative in how God and man are served with the talents and strengths uniquely given by God.

In this workshop students will discover:

  • Their God-give design; talents and strengths that make them unique

  • How to use their uniqueness to be the person God designed them to be and serve others as Christ commanded in Ephesians 4

  • Creating a culture of vocation and the three objectives of work  Video from Andreas Widmer, Director of the CIOCCA Center for Principled Entrepreneurship

  • The concepts of purpose, passion, and career choice

  • Applying entrepreneurship and strengths for building the future


For more information on the Catholic Entrepreneurship & Vocation Workshop for High School Students please contact Coach Bake.

Cell- 570-574-8439

Please leave a detailed message if necessary.

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